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při instalaci modulu CRM hlásí instalace u DB chybu.
Unable to create temporary tables. This MySQL user is missing the CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES privilege.
DB jsou v kroku instalaci použité dvě. První pro drupal a druhá se používá pro samotné CRM.
Nejdříve jsem vyvtořil DB v administraci
Dá se to někde povolit?
to bohuzel neni mozne
našel jsem na civicrm forum dotaz na stejný problém a k němu odpověď od administratora.
Hello, I am getting this error 'Unable to create temporary tables. This MySQL user is missing the CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES privilege.' I am running MySQL 5.0.82-community- I get the unable to create temporary tables yet I can not for the life of me find out how to enable this. The database has been created, I have tried also using the Drupal database with the the same error. I cant find out how to change the privileges within phpmyadmin, I have tried creating a new database but it says 'Create new database: No Privileges' and I am unable to. I suspect its my hosting that I need to speak to. I create the SQL database via the hosting packages control panel.
Any idea's ?
If you can't do this via phpMyAdmin - then your host is disallowing it so you'll need to chat w/ them.
to bohuzel neni mozne
Takže se musím poohlédnout po jiném hostingu? Pokud ANO, mohl byste mi něco doporučit.
Stránky 1