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Ako nainstalovat moodle- je to vobec možné ?
cituji ze souboru readme.txt, který instalace moodle obsahuje:
=============For the impatient, here is a basic outline of the
installation process, which normally takes me only
a few minutes:1) Move the Moodle files into your web directory.
2) Create a single database for Moodle to store all
it's tables in (or choose an existing database).3) Visit your Moodle site with a browser, you should
be taken to the install.php script, which will lead
you through creating a config.php file and then
setting up Moodle, creating an admin account etc.4) Set up a cron task to call the file admin/cron.php
every five minutes or so.For more information, see the INSTALL DOCUMENTATION:
Good luck and have fun!
Martin Dougiamas, Lead Developer
Proč by to nemělo být možné?
1. Murphyho zákon:
Na počátku nebylo nic. I to se pokazilo!
stránky: CMS test
kontakt - instalace systémů, MySQL, FTP přístup, ...
Instalační balíky vybraných CSM
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Stránky 1