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Stránky 1
Zdravim, mám problem s jednim modumen na svych strankach a vyrobre toho modulu mi odepsal toto jako reseni ...
The problem is that you're missing the column product_contact in the table hikashop_product. That column was added in version 1.4.5 of hikashop but you had a problem during the install/update process which prevented hikashop from setting up the structure of your tables.
The simplest solution will be to go in phpmyadmin and edit the table hikashop_config. In it, search for the namekey "version" and set it to "1.4.4". Then, download the latest version of hikashop and install it over your current version. That way, during the install, hikashop will try again to update the structure of your tables and if that succeed the error will disappear.
akorat nevim kde presne hledat hikashop_config
poradite mi prosim.
tam jsem se dostal... kliknu na databaze a vidim pouze vetu žádné databáze.
tak se moc omlouvam, chyba byla na me strane. potupně priznavam ze jsem se celou dobu prihlasoval do spatne databaze.
Stránky 1